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Delco Park

Kristen Davis

Day 7 of STEMmerssion 2019

At Delco, we put up hammocks and looked up at the trees.

“Share your writing from Rob Boley's workshop."

Delco Park-May 24, 2019

This morning, we walked to Delco Park. It is about a mile walk one way. Once we got there we listened to a local writer, Rob Boley, talk about metaphors. He gave us some examples of metaphors from poems and then sent us to make some of our own about nature. Some of the ones I wrote are below.

After that, my group walked over to a cluster of trees to put up hammocks. It was fun to watch my friends rotate themselves in the hammocks. They flipped upside down and even over one another. After about an hour and a half, it began to rain. We packed up all of our stuff and ran to the other side of the park where the shelter was. Of course, when we got there the rain had stopped.

We stayed at Delco until about 1:15 and then started our trek back to school. We got back around 1:50 and started our blogs. At around 2:30 we started yoga. Yoga was very focused on balance. We did all of the yoga standing up to improve our balance. Let me tell you, I need to improve my balance very much.

Overall, today was a success. We got to walk to and from school to get to Delco park. We worked on our blogs and we did yoga to improve our balance. I cannot wait to see what Monday has in store.

Nature Metaphors

  • The soft colors of the morning sway in the wind.

  • The wind sings it's quiet song to the world.

  • Branches spread like an open mouth.

  • The flower blooms with the determination of a small child learning to walk.

  • It cuts through the water like a hot knife through butter.

  • The cool water is soft to the touch.

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